
Friday, April 27, 2012

Final Answer

For the last month I have been going back and forth with myself about where to attend school. I've talked a ton of people to death about why I wanted to go to Wharton, Kellogg, and Booth.  I attended admitted students weekends and admit get togethers.  I weighed every pro and con I could think of.  I leaned toward Wharton only to lean toward Kellogg or Booth the very next day.  Finally, last night I did the one thing I haven't done since getting admitted.  I prayed.  I will be the first to admit that I've been quite lax about practicing my faith recently.  But when push came to shove, I went back to the one constant that has yet to fail me. I prayed for clarity. I prayed that I would have peace about whatever decision I made.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What Matters Most

I'm struggling.  I have spent my entire day talking about where I will go to school in the fall.  I got a call from two Booth admits I met at ASW last weekend (one of whom is none other than Dee123 from GMAT Club).  Their mission: to convince me to single handedly increase Booth's black female population by 30% by agreeing to attend.  Up next was a marathon texting session with my homie Motown, who is also choosing between Kellogg and Wharton.  That conversation segued into an hour long phone call with her friend from MLT who had already chosen to enroll at Booth this fall.  After talking to him I called Motown and after speaking with her I chatted with the GMATClub crew.  I G-chatted with the Senator and got some advice from Chesty LaRue.  I spoke with Eddie in Booth's admissions office and some lady in career services whose name I can't remember.  To cap off all of this communication I'm currently texting back and forth with my girl, mbalady.  Everyone has an opinion on what I should do; everyone, that is, except for me.  I'm just as lost as I ever was.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

If The School Fits

I keep getting the same two questions over and over again.  "Have you chosen a school yet?"and it's close cousin, "What's your first choice?"  My answers are always the same. "Nope, I haven't chosen yet," and "I don't have a first choice." I'm starting to think that the latter answer explains the former.

Months ago I blogged about throwing my hat in the ring for Round 2 after being admitted to Kellogg Round 1.  I reasoned that it wasn't because I wanted to go to other schools more than Kellogg, I simply wanted to go to these schools as much as I wanted to go to Kellogg.  Well, the dust from Round 2 has cleared and like I hoped I have options.  Feelings of happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy have quickly transitioned to an overwhelming sense of dread at actually having to make a choice.  I have three great schools in front of me so as everyone tells me I "can't go wrong." But what if I do choose the wrong school for me.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Catching Up

The last time I updated this blog I was smack in the middle of Round 2.  I had completed my Booth interview, had just received an interview invite from Wharton, and was patiently waiting for the Stanny goat to eat my application (I shall explain shortly). The end of March and the admissions decisions it would bring seemed like a distant future that would never arrive.  Alas, the world did not come to an end.  Late March did arrive (and has since passed) and I've posted nary a word about how everything has panned out thus far.